Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games emblem unveiled

by Paula Kim on 19 May, 2011 10:08 • Español

With 1185 days to go, Nanjing has proudly unveiled their emblem for the second Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2014.  Launched with a grand ceremony, broadcast live on national television to audiences across China, the emblem is bursting with colour and energy in celebration of you - the youth of today.

The design also commemorates Nanjing’s rich history by incorporating the famous City Gate in the wording.

Speaking at the grand launch event, President Jacques Rogge said: “This colourful and contemporary logo is the perfect symbol for Nanjing and China as a whole.  It represents your passion for sport and culture, and the welcoming City Gates symbolise the warmth and friendliness of the Nanjing people.”

He continued: “It also represents the energy of the city and the nation, and it is this vibrancy that will inspire young people around the world to join in the celebrations in 2014.”

By using each letter ‘n’ to symbolize an open gate, the emblem conveys a warm ‘welcome’ message, encouraging all future athletes, spectators and audiences from around the world to come together to share in the excitement of the 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing.

The Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games was a crucial milestone for Team Triathlon, which made its debut in a Major Games.  It signaled a major step forward for the ITU’s goal of getting Team Triathlon into the Olympic Games.

Triathlon has a special place in the Youth Olympic Games as Yuka Sato (JPN) was crowned the first ever Youth Olympic Games gold medallist after winning the women’s triathlon in Singapore last August.  New Zealand’s Aaron Barclay won the men’s triathlon the day after.

The first ever Winter Youth Olympic Games are coming to Innsbruck in January 2012.

With files from the IOC

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