Triathlon Family Nepalese Earthquake Emergency Fundraising Campaign

by Brian Mahony on 26 May, 2015 12:46 • Español

Dear triathlon family and friends,
Following the tragic earthquake in Nepal, as a sport and as a community we would like to stand in solidarity with our friends in the Nepal Triathlon Association. The people of Nepal still need your support for the Triathlon Family Nepalese Earthquake Emergency Fundraising Campaign.

This is a one month solidarity campaign to raise much needed funds for the people of Nepal, which will come to a close at the end of this month. Our goal is to raise emergency funds for immediate aid relief for the people of Nepal affected by the devastating earthquake. All funds will be used to provide immediate aid relief such as food, water, shelter and medical supplies.

All donations will go directly to the fund for relief efforts. Please note that the ITU is not a registered charity so tax receipts cannot be issued at this time.

If you prefer or have a preference donations can be made directly through any international aid agency. We have included direct links to some of these agencies.
Our thoughts are with the triathlon family and all the people of Nepal at this time.

Yours in Sport,
Marisol Casado
ITU President and IOC Member

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