First Classification Certification course for Para triathlon hosted after the Pandemic

by Olalla Cernuda on 23 Jan, 2023 04:11 • Español
First Classification Certification course for Para triathlon hosted after the Pandemic

Bosön, Sweden, has successfully hosted the first course for Classification Certification for Para triathlon organized by World Triathlon in cooperation with the Swedish Triathlon Federation and the Finnish Triathlon Federation. With a totally revamped and renewed educational material, participants from seven countries have completed the course.

“We have been waiting for this course to happen for over two years, and it is a great opportunity to finally be able to deliver it. All the 11 participants are really happy and have found the educational materials really helpful, so we are really satisfied with the outcome of the seminar”, said Camilla Oldberg, from the Swedish Triathlon Federation.

Participants from all over the world had been expressing interest since before the Pandemic and this course finally comes together thanks to the cooperation between World Triathlon, the Swedish and Finnish Triathlon Federations as well as Allmänna Arvsfonden and AHOS-fundament organization.

This course has been a great opportunity to upgrade our knowledge about classification and share information, best practices and knowledges with other coaches from other countries”, said one of the participants, from Italy.

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