ITU Meet YOG Organisers

by Fergus Murray on 11 Feb, 2010 11:33

Leslie Buchanan, ITU Anti-doping Director, met with the CEO of the Youth Olympic Games (YOG), Mr. Kee Nguan Goh, as well as other members of the Singapore Organising Committee, Ms Alice Tan, Director of Marketing, Mr Jason Wee, Head, Village Facility Management and Ms Angela Lim, Manager of Publicity this week. 
The meeting took place at West Vancouver Secondary School in British Columbia, Canada, and included members of the West Vancouver Board of Education, Ms. Mary-Anne Booth and Ms. Cindy Decker, as well as Deputy Superintendent, Mr. Chris Kennedy, Ms. Andrea Wilson, Communications Director for the School District and Principal Steve Rauh.

The topics of discussion ranged from engaging students in the Games, the YOG million deed initiative, along with sport, education and culture, as well as appropriate anti-doping techniques. Mr. Goh presented his vision for the Games and stressed the three pillars of the Games – Friendship, Excellence and Respect.

The YOG have a strong educational component which includes Anti-doping. If you have any questions about ITU’s Anti-doping programme please contact Leslie Buchanan at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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