Ola from Brazil Sport Development: ITU Sport Development Coach, Kristine Chambers rep

by World Triathlon Admin on 13 Jul, 2005 12:00

ITU Sport Development Coach, Kristine Chambers reports from Vila Vehla, Brazil: The 2005 ITU / PATCO Solidarity Camp kicked off in Vila Velha, Brazil on Monday, July 11. Despite pouring rain, the athletes enjoyed a busy first day of run skills, swim skills, and video analysis. Vila Velha (Portuguese for “Old Town”) is the home of the Brazilian National Triathlon Federation and soon to be Brazilian National Training Centre. Six out of the 17 Brazilian athletes attending the camp will be selected to be part of the first National Centre group. Three universities have partnerships with the federation and will offer full scholarships to the athletes.
The solidarity camp is on an military base, with athletes housed in traditional bunkers (bunk beds). Countries represented include : Peru, Panama, Ecuador, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic. Tuesday morning staged an “opening ceremony” at the base where the military welcomed all athletes. It was quite the experience watching 200+ soldiers shout out the National anthem, a full band in the background, crashing waves on the horizon; and all the athletes, coaches and organizers standing “at attention”, in awe.
Enrique Bollana is camp manager and head coach, from Argentina. Assisting with coaching and other management are Giovanni Grannobles from Colombia, Ana Maria Lecumberri from Chile, Mario Cordon from Guatemala, Gledisson Rocha from Brazil, and Marco La Porta from Brazil. Also on staff is Naida Freitas, coach and member of the ITU women’s committee. The camp has a bike mechanic and access to physiotherapy among other special services.
Throughout the week, athletes will experience sessions that range from cycling skills, criterion riding, open water swimming, basic skills in all three sports, transition training, theoretical lessons, run technique, physiological training, and a finale
Triathlon in the style of a grand prix. They will complete a course of 250m swim, 6.6km cycle, and 1.6 km run… three times. It will be fast, furious, and fun!

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