Triathlon South Africa helps officials reach the next level

by Masa Takaya on 25 Mar, 2011 05:09 • Español

South Africa now has more qualified triathlon technical officials after the successful running of ITU Level 1 and Level 2 Technical Official Courses.

A total of 24 technical officials from Triathlon South Africa (TSA) and event organisers attended the ITU Level 1 & Level 2 Technical Officials Courses, that were hosted by TSA and presented by Casper Kriel, ITU Facilitator, and Thanos Nikopoulos, ITU Senior Technical Operations Manager. The courses focused on extending participants’ knowledge and skills as well as familiarising them with the latest changes and additions to rules and event management guidelines.

Dr Debbie Alexander, TSA President, said she was excited to have the chance to run the courses for TSA’s officials.

“I am satisfied that our technical officials, on completion of these courses, are well prepared to officiate at the highest level on the international stage,” she said.

“We have very experienced and dedicated officials and giving them such opportunities is one way of recognising and rewarding their contribution to the development of our sport. We are very grateful for their commitment as well as the opportunity given to us by the ITU.”

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